Friday, November 30, 2007

"Seeing" through the window...

I like this photograph by Robert Frank because the way he photographed it looks as if you are really there. He makes you feel like your part of the photograph by putting the curtain in front of the camera making it look as if your the one looking out the window. You get to see the big picture and not only see it but feel it as well.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Styles of Lighting

This style of lighting is called broad lighting. This is when the face is tilted towards the light and you get a shadow on the the side of the face away from the light.

This lighting is called short lighting. This is when the face is directed away from the light and the shadow lays on the opposite side of the face. With this lighting you can see a distinct shadow on the nose.

This lighting is called rembrant lighting. With this lighting the light is almost directly to the side of the person. As you can see there is a triangular light right below the persons right eye.

This style of lighting is called butterfly lighting. With this the light is straight on the person and raised above head. The shadows with this type of light are placed under the main features of the persons face such as the nose and chin.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My First Post!

Hey welcome to my first blog!